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Arranging financing

Is your company looking for an investor from Finland or abroad? Are you wondering what kind of investors could be interested in your company? How should they be approached?

We contact hundreds of private and public financiers every year while finding startup money or investments to our customers. With the help of our experts we can define the most fitting financiers to your company, and also put together a sufficient material packet in order to arouse interest.

Organizing the financing cycle should be started well before the financing need is realized. Most companies start planning their financing too late. Normally, the length of a financing cycle from the first contact to the creation of share sale agreement is 2-6 months, but frequently the process stretches to even a year.

The financing process is a relatively long and painful one – by using our experts you will speed up and improve the success probability of your financing cycle. Additionally, by utilizing external help, the key personnel can focus more on developing the company.

We will help your company to plan the cycle from the beginning to the end, validate financing numbers, prepare the investor material, instrumentation, contact the investors and succeed in negotiations.

Applying for public funding

Public funding is often a part of a company’s financing plan in the next few years. However more often or not, a troublesome writing process in the form of project plans and official forms is associated with the subject. We will help with choosing the correct financing instruments, creating a credible project plan and calculating the required finance calculations. At the same time, we will make sure that the development project is a part of the bigger development entirety of your company. Worth mentioning is also the whole financing need that concerns the long-span development plan of your company, not just the project at hand.

If your development policies and financing needs are already clear, we will focus solely on defining the project and building the financing proposal.

The representative of your company will take part in creating the project plan, budgeting the project, meeting with the financing experts and providing the needed information about your company.

The application process and the paperwork are left to our experts.

Financing panel

Do you want to quickly test out the financing competence of your company and get valuable feedback from multiple investors? In the financing panel your company will have a 15-20-minute presentation in front of 10-20 investors. After the presentation there will be a 20-minute conversation with the investors. Typically, there are public investors, representatives from banks and investment agencies, and private investors present in the panel.

Financing panel is good for planning financing and beginning a financing cycle. Preparation for the panel is a process where a credible investor presentation is born including presentation material, which can be utilized in the follow-up conversations with the investors.

Every year there are 5-6 panels organized in Helsinki-area and in Jyväskylä. Starting from the year 2012, we have arranged over 30 financing panels, with over 100 different companies and over 300 investor meetings. 30-40% of the companies have received financing soon after the panel.



Worrying about finances? Is that taking time from your company’s core operations such as sales work? Have you thought about hiring a CFO or a business controller? CFO-for-rent develops your profitability, organizes finance and management operations to a new level along your company’s development, and supports functional leading concerning your company’s financial management and goal-setting.

CFO is a cost-effective and low-risk choice to develop and maintain your finances and management. The service allows small and medium size businesses to use a high-profile professional to develop their finances and financial management. You can avoid risks related to recruiting, and only pay for what you company truly needs.


With the help of our experienced professional you can quickly fix a possible shortfall in resources while also renewing the path of development to a new level, that is required by your company’s financial management.

Value evaluation

What is my company’s value? Many entrepreneurs think about this question. Company value evaluation becomes relevant often when searching for a new investor for the company, when the company is being transferred to the next generation or when hoping to sell ownership. Value evaluation is a complex process where you need to consider many different factors.

Using a professional to evaluate your company’s value you will ensure that you won’t sell your company for too cheap or wreck the negotiations by setting the asking price too high. Getting your value evaluation done by a professional you will accomplish a stronger position in negotiations and you will get comprehensive information about the affecting factors.

On top of the value evaluation, our expert will give you recommendations about how company value can be affected and how to proceed in your situation.

Interested? Contact us

Ville Viljanmaa

Service Manager

+35840 729 3342

Ota yhteytt
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