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Beer & business design March 28 @ Maria 01

Beer and Business design - From ideas to business concepts, March 28th 2018 @ Maria 01, Helsinki 

Are you on your way to be a successful startup team? Do you know how to crystallize your business concept to yourself and to your investors? Join our workshop to learn how to engage your whole team in taking your idea to a crystal clear business concept! The event is free of charge.

From ideas to business concepts – challenge and cocreate

Are you working hard on your business idea? We will help you transform your idea into a concrete concept with a business model and a prototype. Join our workshop to learn and experience, how you can work together with peers and customers. How can your peers help you challenge and develop your business idea, and how can you help them? We will take you through a simple way of working together and taking structured steps on your journey from an idea to a business concept.

Why do you need a concept, a prototype and a business model?

Ideas are great, but they’re often not very concrete. Also, having one idea is one thing, having 17 is another. Developing a concept from your bucket of ideas takes you much further on the road to concrete business. And a prototype makes your concept real. A business model, on the other hand, describes something you can manage and develop. So, the trio makes up a concrete business concept that you can manage and develop.

Learn to work as a fully engaged team and let others challenge you

Freedom is important, but so is structure. And getting from an idea to a concrete concept with a business model is a tedious job that is easy to skip when you’re busy developing ideas with complete freedom. Structure and engaging your team to a common target bring results from that freedom. With a good structure you will also know how to let others challenge you and your ideas.

Who should participate?

Startup teams and entrepreneurs, who want to work as a fully engaged team and crystallise their business concept for themselves and for investors.

Corporations, who want to bring structure and speed to their startup operations.

Workshop programme

14.00 Introduction and warm-up

Three optional workshop topics – vote on your favourite when signing up!

a) Crystallise your value proposition.

b) Identify the hurdles your product/service has to overcome.

c) Let others challenge your business concept with Lean canvas.

1700 Snacks, beer and networking

Tickets (free of charge, please sign up in Eventbrite)

Additional information

Email us or contact in LinkedIn:

Organised in co-operation: Innotiimi-ICG and Venture Development Ltd

Venture Development Ltd - Accelerating growth

Venture Development Finland Ltd develops, accelerates and rationalizes their clients’ businesses. Our typical clients are startups, family and fast-growing companies. We increase the value of your company by creating profitable growth, reducing costs or assisting in funding and business arrangements.

Suomen Yrityskehitys Oy – Tehtävämme on kasvattaa yrityksesi arvoa.

Suomen Yrityskehitys Oy kehittää, kiihdyttää ja järkeistää asiakkaidensa yritystoimintaa. Tyypillisiä asiakkaitamme ovat startup-, perhe- ja kasvuyritykset. Kasvatamme yrityksesi arvoa esimerkiksi luomalla kannattavaa kasvua, alentamalla kuluja tai avustamalla rahoitus- ja yritysjärjestelyissä.

Innotiimi-ICG - Your partner in change.

We are experts in innovation, change implementation, leadership, facilitation and co-creation – the things that are essential in sustainable and rapid development of a business. We know how to engage and focus people to work together and generate innovation, change and new business. We are part of Integrated Consulting Group, operating in 12 European countries with 130 consultants.

Innotiimi-ICG - matkakumppanisi muutoksessa

Olemme kansainvälinen tiimi ja autamme sinua toteuttamaan muutos- ja kehityshankkeesi kestävästi, nopeasti ja tuloksellisesti. Uskomme, että onnistuneita muutostuloksia saavutetaan yhdessä henkilöstön kanssa. Muuttuneet tulokset edellyttävät uuden tason löytymistä innovaatioissa, johtamisessa ja itse muutoksen hallinnassa. Asiakkaamme kuvaavat toimintaamme eri projekteissa ammattimaiseksi, luovaksi ja vahvasti osallistavaksi sitoutumisen ja tulosten varmistamiseksi. Innotiimi-ICG on osa kansainvälistä ICG ryhmää, jossa työskentelee 130 konsulttia 12 Euroopan maassa.


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